By : DARUNNAJAH in January- April

  1. THE GENERAL WINNER OF LANGUAGE JAMBOREE in Daar El Qolam, Gintung (JAnuari 31st-February3rd 2010)

Darunnajah has sent two messengers in this competition, which consisted of girls troops and boy’s troops. Preparation we did was training for two weeks by our tutors and supervisors, They are: Ustzh Rizma Ilfi, Ustzh Luthifah, Ustzh Pipit Nuri, Ustz Putra Perdana, Ustz. Yusuf, and Ustz.Miftah.

Event Language competition with Scout organize this learned us about teamwork, hard work, and the power of Shalawat and pray to deliver us to victory.

The member of Girls troop :

  1. Ayu Qurratu A’yuni (4)
  2. Masmuhah(5)
  3. Maretha (4)
  4. Laila Setiawati Arifin (5)
  5. Gita Putri (5)
  6. Inggit Sugiharti (5)
  7. Huda Saifullah Kamalie (4)
  8. Alia Rusli(5)
  9. Rahma Fima(4)
  10. Nahdlatur Rasyidah (4)

Gratefully has won several competitions, among others:

The 1st winner of Spelling bee achieve by Gita Putri

The 1st winner of Debate achieve by Gita Putri and Nahdlatur Rasyidah

The 1st winner of Speech achieve by Nahdlatur Rasyidah

The 1st winner of Telling storye achieve by Nahdlatur Rasyidah

The 1st winner of Quickie Match achieve by Rahma Fima and Ayu Qurrotul

The 1st winner of Writing Project achieve by Masmuhah and Maretha

The 1st winner of Listen to jigsaw achieve by Rahma Fima

The 1st winner of Who want to be millioner achieve by Laila Setiawati

The 2nd winner of Presentation achieve by Masmuhah

The 1st winner of Sima’ul Hiwar achieve by Alia Rusli

The 2nd winner of Listening to story achieve by Huda Syaifullah

The 2nd winner of Kitabatul Kholasoh achieve by Ayu Qurratul

The Most Cheerful Troops

The 1st winner of Language Jamboree for girls

Finnaly, after combine with boys troops score (they got 2nd winner for boys) WE ARE DARUNNAJAH MESSENGERS GOT


2. THE 2ND WINNER ENGLISH DEBATE in ALSEACE 2010 Kejuaraan SMA Islam Al Azhar BSD 01 Februari – 14 Februari 2010

Actually, Darunnajah has sent 2 groups for this competition. But, because intents of competition, only one group which pass the final and got The 2nd winner.

The 1st group are :

1. Herweningtyas Rakhmadhani(5)

2. Muthia Riziani(4)

3. Siti Nur Azizah(5)

The 2nd group are :

1. Nahdlatur Rasyidah (4)

2. Gita Putri (5)

3. Rahma Fima (4)

The 2nd group which pass and got the 2nd winner! Lets say Hamdalah!

  1. The big 10 group Ausindo Quiz (SMA SEJABODETABEK) in UHAMKA

(March 30-April 3 2010)

As Usual Darunnajah sent 2 groups. They are girls and Boys. This is the quickie match competition with material all about Indonesia in Indonesian language) and all about Australia (in English Language) with supervisor UStzh. Rizma Ilfi, Ust. Bobby, and Ust. Yusuf. We learn morning-night. Lets, We praise! From the 53 schools that follows this quiz, just 10 group go final. Which one of them is girls group from Darunnajah.

The member of boys group are :

  1. Ilham Ardiansyah
  2. ivan RAmadhan
  3. Faisal RAhman

The member of Girls group are :

  1. MAsmuhah
  2. Navida Febrina
  3. Ardin Makarim.

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