Title of book : BJH Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie His Lufe and Career
Author : A. Makmur Makka
Edition : MArch, 1999

Summary :

Summary :
He is better then known as B.J. Habibie and his name child is Rudy, was born on June 25, 1936, in Pare-pare, South Sulawesi. The fourth child in a family of eight of Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo, stayed only for one year at ITB, because in1955 he was sent by his mother to study at Rheinsich Westfalische technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany.
After He studied seriously for five years, B.J. Habibie earned his Diplom-Ingenieur with Cum Laude (his average grade was 9.5) at the Faculity of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aircraft Design and Construction. Young B.J. Habibie a very devout Moslem who always fasts every Monday and Thrusday, in the end brilliantly earned his Doctor-Ingenieur at the Faculity of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aircraft Design and Construction with Summa Cum Laude (his average grade was 10.0), in 1965.

B. J. Habibie started his career in Germany by becoming the Head of Research and Development of Structure Analysis in the Hamburger Flugzeugbau Gmbh, Hamburg, Germany (1965-1969): Head of Method and Technology division of Commercial and Military Transport Airscraft MBB Gmbh, Hamburg and Munchen (1969-1973): Vice President and Technology Director MBB Gmbh, Hamburg and Munchen (1973-1978) : and Technology Senior Advisor to the MBB Board of directore (1978). In 1977 he delivered is Professorship oration in Aircraft Construction at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

B. J. Habibie married with dr. Hasri Ainun Besari, the fourth daughter in a family of 8 of Haj Mohammad Besari, on May 12, 1962. They are blessed with two sons, namely : Ilham Akbar and thareq Kemal, who were born and raised in Germany. To the call of service to built the nation, B. J. Habibibie returned home in 1974, when President Soeharto ask him to come back.

Strated his career at home as an Advisor to the Indonesian Government in Adviced Technology and Aircraft Technology, who is directly responsible to the President of the Republic Indonesia (1974-1978). In 1978, he was appointed Minister of State for Research and Technology, concurrently Head of the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). He maintained this job for 5 term-of-office during the Development Cabinet until 1998.

Before the Indonesian people held the General Election in 1997, Habibie informed his family and close associates, that he was planning to retire after his term-of-office in the Sixth Development Cabinet expires. However, Man proposed, God Disposed. Close to the holding of the 1998 General Session of MPR-RI, the name of B. J. Habibie emerged, together with several other names, as Vice President candidates, but after the criteria for Vice President was set, i.e. a person able to preserve, nation’s unity and cohesion and is knowledgeable about science and technology, the name B. J. Habibie became the sole candidate. On March 11, 1998. MPR-RI elected and installed Prof. Dr..-Ing B. J. Habibie as the seventh Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the mean time, the economic crisis tahat hit the Asian region engulfed Indonesia, and it led to a political crisis as well as a crisis of confidence. The crisis became more serious and the people were demanding a reform so that in the end, on May 21,1998. president Soeharto announced his resignation. In conformity with article 8 of the 1945 Constitution, on the same day, at 9.00 a.m. West Indonesian Time, Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. J. Habibie took the oath of office as Presidebt before the chairman and member of the Supreme court.

Thus, a glimpse of B. J. Habibie, who has 2 grandchildren, and who , in the beginning was planning for his retirement, finally followed to what history dictates to become the seventh Vice President and the third President of the republic of Indonesia;

My favorite part of this book,
(karena buku ini pake bahasa inggris, jadi perkataan Pak Habibie yang sebenarnya pake bahasa Indonesia jadi keikut bahasa inggris, akhirnya aku co-past aja, takut salah nerjemahinnya, xixixi)

• He is an Intelligent person. Even a genius and out of the 130 million inhabitants, there is only one B. J. Habibie. These are no mere idle words. (comment of Military Technology Magazine)
• Rudy (nickname of BJ. Habibie was child) was very clever in reciting Qur’an, and he managed to “khattam” several times. He could also be quite stubborn. When he quarreled with his brothers or sisters, and thought he was right, he would protest when he was put in wrong. But when he knew that he was wrong. He would accept being scoled and punished. So we knew that he whennhe ccepted his punishment, he really had been in the wrong. (Mrs. Subono Mantofani, A siste’s Prayers, SABJIH 1986)
2 juni 2011
Entah aplagi yang biksa kuperbuat selain merusak, memecahkan, menyenggol, membuat tidak benar. Itulah anggapan ibuku. God! Kemarin aku baru saja menghilangkan sepedah motor satu-satunya milik keluargaku, ditangan pihak berwajib. Feeling jelek itu kini menjadi nyata. Padahal biasanya jika aku punya pikiran jelek itu tak akan jadi nyata. Satu kesimpulan lagi*. Ah, tp, aku capek bermain dengan hukum alam, yang ada itu Cuma proses dan hasil, juga nasib. Tak ada yg namanya factor keberuntungan.

Satu bulan lagi pengumuman hasil snmptn, tapi, sebenarnya aku sudah akan mengetahuinya 5 jam lagi. God! God! God! Allah
1. Tak ada manusia yang terlahir sempurna
2. Jangan kau sesali segala yang telah terjadi
3. Kita pasti pernah dapat cobaan yang berat
4. Seakan hidup ini tak ada artinya lagi,,,]
5. Syukuri apa yng ada hidup adalah anugrah
6. tetap jalani hidup ini, melakukan yang terbak.
9. Bagi hambanya yang sabar,,,
10. Dan tak kenal putus asa,,

One more inspiring song in my life after lascar pelangi. Why? Because when I’m down It raise me up.
1. It tell me about, really-really no body’s perfect in the world, it mean we can’t mind “how perfect she is!” and iri ith herself, than think, why I’m not born like her. Really sure, coz GOD create a creature with different in alla side, different in rizqi, different in brain, different in face, and different character, and different takdir. And every human has a weakness and goodness.
2. “Jangan kau sesali segala yang pernah terjadi,,” I’m down because I know there are many wrong answer that was answered by me in snmptn. But, Right! For what we regret full with everything was happened. Inside, after we try hard/ ikhtiyar, just give the conclusion and takdir to GOD, who have a Majesty of the conclusion of everything. There is a big chance for God, to do everything to make my dream reall over the ability of his creature. Right! Just many pray and certain, Allah maha mendengar, dan Maha mengabulkan Doa
3. “Kita pasti pernah dapatkan cobaan yang berat.” Every human has a different disaster/ try in sadness in their life. Just make it an education to step forward. We r used to be polite, polite, and polite. Remember Man Shabara Zhofira (Who polite, he will get it)
4. Seakan hidu ini tak ada artinya lagi. When I get disaster yesterday, suddenly I said , I wanna day? What for my life except to make myparent glad have myself,and I’cant do it? What can I do except the bad things like destroying, spend a money, and make my mom cry?

5. What must I do? And the solution is: Praise everything that I had. I can breath, I can follow the privat study with big cost, I can see, from where all kind of this luxurious,???? Just God, The Lord of the Lord.I remembered one of ayat Alqur’an (barang siapa yang bersyukur, maka allah akan menambah nikamatmu.
Selalu ku sakiti engkau dengan kesibukanku memikirkan mimpi2 dunia yang fana ini,,,
Kubalas kemurahanmu dengan ketidakpercayaanku dengan kuasamu,,,
Dan perhitunganku dengan secuilnya amal-amalku,,,,
Tanpa kusadar limpahan kasihmu tercurah untukku,,,
Maafkan hambamu yang Tak tahu terima kasih Ya Rabb
Maafkan hamba yang terus menerus menuntut padaMu
Tanpa memikirkan sudah tuntaskah kewajibanku padamu
Limpahan syukur atas kasih sayangMu Ya Rabb
Limpahan sujud kubersimpuh padaMu atas Cintamu pada seluruh hambaMu,,,
Ampuni hamba yang:
Selalu menyibukkan diri dengan ambisi-ambisi dunia hamba,,,
Jarang sekali memikirkan kebesaran dan KeberadaanMu yang selalu mengiringiku,,,
Terlalu perhitungan atas amal-amal yang telah kukerjakan,,,
Terlalu mengenyampingkanmu,,,
Hanya datang jika kubutuh saja,,,
Tidak memikirkan keegoisanku atas semua kasih sayangMU,,
Sangat kalut bukan karena tumpukan dosa-dosaku,,, namun hanya karena mimpiku tak tercapai
Jauhkan syetan-syetan mimpi ini dari qalbuku ya Rabb\
Selalu meminta kepentingan duniaku saja,,,
Lupa akan kerinduanku ingin memlukmu,,,
Lupa dunia hanya sementara,,,
Merasa pantas disebut muslimah
Merasa telah mengerjakan amal baik,,
Padahal dosa-dosa banyak aku lakukan
Sombong akan diri hamba,,
Sombong diantara makhluk-makhlukMU yang lain,,,,
Lupa bahwa maut didepan mata…
Lupa bahwa hanyalah amal yang akan kubawa di alam qubur,,,
Lupa bahwa akan aa perhitungan amal di akhirat nanti,,,
Lupa akan nistanya diri ini,,,,,

Hamba sekarang hanya :
Ingin bertemu Nabi Muhammad SAW
Ingin berkunjung ke Baitullah,,
Bermanja dilimpahan kasih Mu,,,
Hamba ingin meninggal di Baitullah Ya Rabb,,
Dirumah kasihMu,,,

HAnya dengan dirimu Hatiku tenang,,, Ya Malikul Quddus,,,,
Tak ada yang bisa kuajak bercerita,,,,
Hanya denganMu
Apa dayaku jika Kau menjauh dariku,,,
Kemana lagi aku akan bercerita tentang kesedihanku,,,tentang rasa syukurku,,, tentang kisah hidupku,,,,?
Pada siapa lagi aku akan bersujud?
Sungguh aku hanya ingin dekat dengan MU
Tuhan yang selalu memberi kasih
Tuhan yang selalu memberi rizqi melebihi pinta hambanya,,,
Siang Terik itu bertepatan sepulang SNMPTN tulis, Rabu, 1 Juni 2011. Awal bulan yang buruk bagiku. AKu berniat untuk mengunjungi teman lamaku dari Jember yang diterima di Universitas Indonesia, Amalia Puspita dan Rusi Habibatul Marda, di asrama UI bersama sahabatku Herweningtyas Rakhmadhani (Titis). rencanaku memang seperti biasa berangkat dari rumah (Citeureup) naik motor, so far perjalanan terakhirku kemarin bersama Azzaturrabicha (Azha) sahabatku juga, sukses dengan selamat, (karena titlenya, STNK motorku ternyata habis dari 3 tahun yang lalu dan belum diperbaharui, sedangkan aku sendiri belum mempunyai KTP "KTP aja tak punya apalagi SIM?") menuju ITC Depok.

Ini kali kedua perjalananku Bogor Depok yang lumanyun jauh. Bensin full, helm, masker, siap berangkat oke!!!! Perjalanan awalu nyamperin Tyas di pertigaan Polsek Depok, lancar. Namun, entah kenapa hatiku deg-degkan dari awal perjalanan ini. "kenapa ya?"
Tak sampai 10 menit kami berjalan, sudah terjebak macet, dan ADA POLISI. Awalnya terlihat mereka hanya mengatur lalu lintas saja, namun, tiba-tiba salah satu diantara mereka yang terdekat jaraknya dari kami, emmperhatikan plat nomor sepeda motorku, (Allahummasholliala sayyidina Muhammad 7x) bacaku dalam hati, Dan ternyata,,,,,, Ya,,, dan ternyata,,,,, Aku disuruh merapat ke trotoar dan berakhir dengan SURAT TILANG DENGAN TUDUHAN RANMOR (alias Pencurian Motor ) alamak,,,,,, P: Police A:aku
Police say, Mana STNK? inikan belum diperbaharui dari tahun 2008?"
I answered. " Iya Pak, ini saya mau ngambil STNK ke rumah tante, disitu,,,,?"
P : "emang rumah tante dimana?"
A : "di UI pak?"
P : " di UI kok di situ, UI mah jauh di sana!!!"
A : " yah maksudnya ke arah sana kan pak? (nervous mati, karena boong abis)
P : "ini masuk sini (aku pun digiring ke kios salon potong rambut) SIM mana? "
A : "saya baru bikin KTP pak, itu juga masih diproses (jujur)
P : "Sekarang saya tanya naik motor gak ada STNK pelanggaran apa bukan>?)
A : " ini saya mau ambil,,,,------------
P : "pelanggaran apa bukan?"
A : "Iya pak,,,,
P : Naik motor belum punya SIM pelanggaran bukan? "
A: (sudah mau nangis ) "iya pak)
P : Kamu saya tilang, motor saya tahan, kalau mau balik silahkan bayar denda ke pengadilan dan bla-bla-bla-bla-bla.................................-------------
A :"FGDGDG hdiuasgfhjsdnhbuikawgyhnjskhgikdjnvfikgyuirhfsnbiyagolmklnbiulw ` 4yoppKMNHBOJI3947658346833U0IFP;ONVGKJDHVKJXCVNKJHBVKJDGVN
KDNVFG......" (ribuan bualan, alasan, permohonan, negioasiasi kulontar. namun berakhir dengan sentakan
P : " saya gak mau tahu, akmu saya TILANG. MAna akrtu identitas...............!"

Dengan pasrah aku menerimanya, dan saat ku baca untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupku,,, aku mendapat title menegangkan di surat tilang itu

nama : Masmuhah
status : Terdakwa
Sidang : Jum'at
tempat : Pengadilan Negeri Depok
tuduhan : RanMor (parah nih polisi,,, gue beli ni motor,,, akagak nyolong!!0

Emang hukum Negara kadang tidak adil. Hufth!